Taizé Prayer – A Long-Standing CRSM Tradition on Ash Wednesday

Feb 28, 2024 | Campus Ministry, School News

In our recent Ash Wednesday Taizé Prayer Service, the melodies and moments of reflection were led by our students, showcasing their leadership and dedication to spiritual enrichment.

During the service CRSM students played music, recited scripture and prayer, and distributed ashes. In addition, students and staff lined up to pray quietly and individually at the cross in the center of the room.

While all of the CRSM students showed devotion and respect during the service, Campus Minister, Jim Dippold, acknowledged two seniors who stood out in particular. Isabel H. and Chris C. both played significant roles in contributing to the service, “they’re phenomenal and generous student leaders in campus ministry and have a beautiful way of helping to lead the spiritual life at CRSM”.

Taizé Prayer, rooted in the traditions of Taizé, France, has been a part of CRSM’s spiritual journey for 15 years. Our students and staff have embraced this tradition with passion and reverence, acknowledging it as an important element of spiritual growth.

As we enter this season of Lent, we pray all of our students, faculty, staff and benefactors will know the sacrifice and peace of our Lord.