60+ Colleges and Universities Nation-Wide Travel to CRSM for Annual College Fair

Oct 1, 2024 | Academic, School News

Every year, our alumni and college counseling departments at Cristo Rey St. Martin (CRSM) host representatives from various colleges and universities across the country in our gym, to prepare our juniors and seniors for their upcoming applications and college decisions. This year, and for the past couple of years, the fair has taken place at the beginning of the school year in early September. This allows our students, particularly the seniors, to become exposed to different college options early on in the academic year, to prepare them for their upcoming college applications. 

The college fair was held on September 12th this year, and approximately 63 colleges and universities were represented, from Northwestern University in Evanston, IL, to the University of Denver in Colorado. 

Our students prepared beforehand with questions and conversation points for the representatives they were interested in speaking with. “The questions the students have asked have been fantastic. This is one of my favorite college fairs I’ve been to. All of the students I’ve talked to are so professional in how they have spoken and dressed”, said Leah B.,  a representative from Milwaukee School of Engineering.

“The students guided the conversation and asked great questions. I can tell they were well prepared, and I am impressed with all of the students I have had conversations with tonight”, remarked Michelle, a representative from Saint Louis University.

Our student’s hard work and preparation for this event does not go unnoticed. This is highlighted by the kind anecdotes of the college representatives and furthered when seeing how seriously our CRSM students take the college decision process.

We are thankful every year to the representatives that come out to speak to our students at this event. It’s highly appreciated amongst our faculty and staff, and especially our students and their families.