First Semester Academic Success

Jan 10, 2025 | Academic, School News

First semester results are in for the 2024/25 school year! Scroll down to read a statment sent by CRSM Principal Dr. Mike Odiotti, to our student and their families about our semester one results:

“Dear CRSM community,

As we reach the midway point of this academic year, it’s a good time to reflect on our collective achievements during the first semester. I am pleased to share the updated data from our academic strategic plan, highlighting our progress and accomplishments to date. See the attached document.

We are proud to share that we have exceeded our institutional goals. As we review key indicators such as the failure rate, percentage of students at a 2.0, and percentage of students at a 3.0, we find that our performance surpasses the targets set forth in our academic strategic plan.

Below, you will also find a comparison of our data points for this academic semester against our historical data over time. The most important data point in terms of our focus on academic readiness is the percentage of students at or above a 3.0.  As we track our alumni to and through college, we have found that one’s overall GPA is a great predictor of college readiness. In fact, approximately 80% of our alumni that have earned a 3.0 while in high school have gone on to earn their college degree.  This data point has consistently correlated to college completion for our classes for which we have college completion data (2007-2018).

Individual student grades will be mailed next week, providing a report of each student’s academic performance. For those students that achieved a 3.0 or higher, keep up the great work. For those students that fell short of this mark, what changes do you have to make this semester in order to perform more strongly in the classroom. Thanks to all for your continued dedication and support as we work together to foster excellence within the CRSM community.

May we seek “Ever To Excel” in all that we do,

Mike Odiotti”