Our rigorous, supportive, college preparatory curriculum prepares all our students to enter and graduate from college.
We offer advanced placement classes for students looking for a challenge, tutoring and remediation for students who need it, and an intense college-counseling program that helps students select the right college, along with a range of extracurricular, service and athletic opportunities.
Inspiring Excellence
- 98% of students achieved a GPA of 2.0 or greater
- 76% of students achieved a GPA of 3.0 or higher
- 90% retention rate from freshman to senior year from 2019 to 2024
- 78% of students graduate with at least one AP credit
Expanding Horizons
Graduates are completing their studies prepared for college with 100% of the class of
seniors accepted into 4-year bachelor’s programs, five years in a row. 86% direct
enrollment into 4-year bachelor’s programs for class of 2024.
Transforming Communities
We offer an innovative Corporate Work Study Program where students work five full days a month in area businesses to pay for a portion of their tuition and to gain professional experience.
Through this frontline work experience, students learn about the corporate world, connect academic coursework to the work they do at their on-the-job placements, are mentored by professionals in successful careers, and gain skills that will serve them beyond high school.
Inspiring Excellence
- 95% of CRSM work-study partners expressed satisfaction with student performance despite the challenges of remote work.
- Incoming freshmen each receive 50-plus hours of pre-job training.
Expanding Horizons
- We have 88 Corporate Work Study Partners in this community.
Transforming Communities
- 40% of our alumni with bachelor’s degrees are currently working in FT positions for a current or former business partner.
Our mission is to educate young people to become men and women of faith, purpose and service. We provide our students with the opportunity to develop faith in God and to understand that there is a purpose to their life. It is our responsibility to help our students discover and develop their unique gifts and talents.
We believe we are called to contribute to a better world, to serve others, and to be on the side of those who are left behind. Everything we do is based on these values. We strive to help our students and families build the type of community, the type of world, that they envision.
Inspiring Excellence
Students volunteered over 1200 hours last year alone.
Expanding Horizons
Transforming Communities
CRSM alumni are returning to their community to make a difference. In addition to leaders
in the business world, they are healthcare workers, teachers, counselors, social workers and
other non-for-profit change-makers.