Academic Supports
Recognizing that academic and career success are linked to holistic wellness, the CRSM Academic Assistance Program (AAP) offers proactive academic counseling services to students who would like to improve their performance and organizational skills. A key differentiator in our approach to secondary education, this program provides academic assistance, time management coaching, ESL support and reading fluency for struggling students on a consistent basis, meeting one-on-one with instructors for tutoring help.
Social workers, school counselors and nurses also are available to offer emotional and physical support for students and staff. CRSM School Counselors collaborate with organizations in the community to help our students and their families to meet their everyday needs. Counselors also work closely with the school nurse to ensure that students with medical needs are supported and successful.
Below is a list of resources that provide a variety of services for our families:
General counseling services for teens and adults:
Josselyn Center
415 Washington St Suite 200, Waukegan
(847) 441-5600
Youth and Family Counseling
5101 Washington St Suite 2-F, Gurnee
(847) 367-5991
Bradley Counseling Center
5465 Grand Ave Ste 101, Gurnee
(847) 244-7177
Lake Behavioral Hospital (for crisis counseling)
2615 Washington Street, Waukegan
(855) 990-1900
General social services for families (rent and utility bill assistance, employment assistance, issues related to immigration status, resources for affordable housing, etc):
Mano a Mano Family Resource Center
1801 Sheridan Road Suite 101, North Chicago
(847) 201-1521
Catholic Charities
671 S. Lewis Ave, Waukegan
(847) 782-4000
Comprehensive medical, dental, and mental health services:
Erie Health Center
2323 Grand Ave, Waukegan
(847) 666-3494
Families can also call the United Way of Lake County at 211 to get connected to resources for housing instability, rent and utility bill assistance, food pantries, and employment assistance.
Counseling Staff

Academic News
AI and the Next Generation: CRSM Students Contribute to Research
It’s not every day that CRSM students’ quotes and insights end up in a professional manuscript. However, this will be the case for the students involved in the after-school club AI Club, which is dedicated to exposing students to Artificial Intelligence (AI). When...
First Semester Academic Success
First semester results are in for the 2024/25 school year! Scroll down to read a statment sent by CRSM Principal Dr. Mike Odiotti, to our student and their families about our semester one results: "Dear CRSM community, As we reach the midway point of this academic...
Academic Success: CRSM Ranks First in the Cristo Rey Network for College Readiness and Student Retention
Each year, the Cristo Rey Network, a national network of 40 schools that we are a part of, releases data on key performance indicators. This year, Cristo Rey St. Martin is proud to have ranked first in two critical areas: college readiness and 3-year aggregated...