Student Resources

Welcome Back Students!

Remember when entering your Workday Reports, please first select SCHEDULED WORKDAY and then choose your Workday Date from the dropdown menu.

If you hare having issues with your login credentials or have any additional questions, please reach out to your coordinator.


CWSP Staff

Tom Arens

CWSP Coordinator
Phone: 847-714-3343

Giselle Baca

CWSP Coordinator
Phone: 224-637-9563

Lori Bell

CWSP Coordinator | Operations Lead
Phone: 847-477-2601

Marcelino Hernandez

CWSP Transportation Coordinator
Phone: 847-344-7273

Mari-Lou Menezes

IVC Volunteer

Keith Schoeneberger

IVC Volunteer

Brian Weinberg

Director, Corporate Work Study Program
Phone: 224-219-9724 ext. 254

Dulce Zariñana

CWSP Coordinator
Phone: (847) 445-1673


New AI Club Fosters Innovation and Creativity

New AI Club Fosters Innovation and Creativity

It’s Tuesday at 3:30, the end of the school day. A group of about a dozen CRSM students gather in a conference room to assemble, “Deep Blue” and “Angel Bot.” These are the names they’ve coined for the two coding robotic kits they are building. The idea is to gain...

Corporate Work Study Program Returns to Full Speed

Corporate Work Study Program Returns to Full Speed

Modeling CRSM’s strategic plan to “Survive, Revive and Thrive,” the CRSM Corporate Work Study Program hit the ground running this school year. Almost all the 407 students with business and nonprofit partners. Freshmen spent the last week boarding vans to banks,...