Sales Operations Typical Responsibilities

Everyone knows that you want your salespeople in front of customers, and not doing paperwork.  Students can support the sales process by handling reporting, expense tracking and sending marketing materials and samples to clients. Look through some of the activities below to get ideas on how Cristo Rey students can start making a difference.
Sales Support

Manage Customer Orders
Update customer order in client system, coordinate shipment and timeline for delivery, and communicate with customers.

Customer Sales Support
Run weekly client ads and communicate with sales team members to ensure proper product information utilized by client. Review customer website to ensure proper product information and images utilized; communicate with sales team members as needed to ensure updates are made.

Field Sales Support
Send client product samples to sales representatives per client procedure and record within client system. Shipments are a critical component to ensuring strong service.

Review proposals and marketing materials for errors and flow. Administer SharePoint site for proposals team.


Sales Reporting
Work with sales team to gather data, design reports and generate reports on regular basis (weekly, monthly). Modify report design, as needed, to best serve client sales team.

Customer Call Audit and Analytics
Extract customer call data from client system, build a report to summarize and analyze data. Analyze subset of customer service calls, document conversation and wait time and determine reason for customer call and/or why an agent transferred customer to a different department.

Fatima… has impressed us with her professionalism and willingness to learn. She has embraced all the new things we have taught her around sales. We are excited… [to get] her more involved in dissecting customer data.”

Patrick Langan, Assistant Manager, Inside Sales, W.W. Grainger, Inc.

CWSP Staff

Tom Arens

CWSP Coordinator
Phone: 847-714-3343

Giselle Baca

CWSP Coordinator
Phone: 224-637-9563

Lori Bell

CWSP Coordinator | Operations Lead
Phone: 847-477-2601

Marcelino Hernandez

CWSP Transportation Coordinator
Phone: 847-344-7273

Mari-Lou Menezes

IVC Volunteer

Keith Schoeneberger

IVC Volunteer

Brian Weinberg

Director, Corporate Work Study Program
Phone: 224-219-9724 ext. 254

Dulce Zariñana

CWSP Coordinator
Phone: (847) 445-1673


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