Save The Date for Elevate 2025: Saturday, October 18, 2025!

Held at Loyola Academy

Please enjoy this sneak peak of Chris Carter, our entertainment for the upcoming event:

Elevate on Saturday was an amazing evening… in more ways than one!  Our friends and family supported Elevate and the CRSM community! Our guests celebrated our 20th year at a memorable event featuring members of The Second City ensemble at the state-of-the-art entertainment venue at Loyola Academy, cocktails, heavy hors d’oeuvres, and, most importantly, to support the mission of Cristo Rey St. Martin. And thanks to our fabulous sponsors and generous donors, we raised over $290,000 for deserving young men and women.


Whether you could join us for this special evening or were with us in spirit, we are grateful for your continued generosity and support. YOU are providing hope and are making a difference in the lives of our students and their families.  YOU are helping transform a community!

Please enjoy this video of

CRSM Then and Now: Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary

Check out our photo album from Elevate 2024

Thank you to our generous sponsors

Visionary Sponsor

Kathy and David Kennedy

Academic Sponsors


Professional Sponsors

Wayne Andersen and Judy Erwin

Perry Family Charitable Foundation

The Rosenbloom Family