GEM – Goodwill Every Month
Our recurring giving program, GEM, is an opportunity for you to extend the impact of your gift for years to come. With each recurring donation you will be making a significant difference in the life of a deserving young man or women by supporting our mission to provide a quality education to those who otherwise could not afford it.
Why Give Monthly?
Dependable & Sustainable
Cost Effective
Physical and mental health struggles have escalated for youth throughout our community and world. Your gift will cover the cost for counseling and nursing services for one student, allowing our staff to work with the student and their family to manage the anxiety and stress.
Each student receives a Chromebook when they begin their journey at CRSM. Your generous gift will provide 10 students with this critical tool for our students to use in the classroom, while working remotely and when doing their homework.

Our Corporate Work Study Program depends on students bringing value to our business partners. Applied Educational Systems provides tailored, on-line training essential to their success. With this gift you will equip 10 students with the professional skills they need to be productive now and beyond college.
Spiritual retreats are important elements of CRSM’s mission to empower young men and women to become people committed to faith and justice. Your gift will send one student on retreat and allow them the opportunity to get away from the pressures of everyday life for prayer, reflection and building community.
Help support the cost of travel for a student and his or her family to visit a college campus. The vast majority of CRSM students are the first in their family to attend college. Finding a post-secondary institution that is the right “fit” is critical to their success as they begin this journey. Your gift will help cover this travel expense and allow them the opportunity to see a college campus first-hand.