Expanding Horizons

Inspiring Excellence

Transforming Communities

College Ready

“The students are the best portion of my job. They constantly rise above my expectations and perform their very best in difficult subjects like physics.”

Kumkum Bonnerjee, 
CRSM Science Teacher

Work Prepared

“I support Cristo Rey because it works. Supervisors report that these students are professional, serious and focused…”

Terry Brady, Retired CEO and President,
Underwriters Laboratories

Committed to Faith and Justice

“I am inspired daily by students who, rooted in faith, rise to confront social injustices through service and prayer. I’ve witnessed this through our students who volunteer, and student-led groups such as Oportunidades Para Todos”

Iris Sanchez, CRSM Campus Minister, 2018 Alumni

we are

Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep, a Catholic learning community, empowers young people of limited economic means to become men and women of faith, purpose and service. Through a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, integrated with a relevant work study experience, students graduate ready to succeed in college and in life.


Current Students


Business Partners


Acceptance to Bachelor’s Programs
6 years in a row


Volunteer Hours

News & Updates

The Great Minds Behind Our Two Biggest Fundraising Events

The Great Minds Behind Our Two Biggest Fundraising Events

There is so much that goes into planning a fundraising event. It takes countless meetings, logistical planning, auction arrangement, caterer sourcing, program drafting, and so much more! Without the help of a talented and dedicated group of volunteers, our Elevate and...

Ada Rios: Always Striving For Success

Ada Rios: Always Striving For Success

From traveling the globe to achieving academic milestones ahead of schedule, Ada Rios’ journey has been full of excitement. Ada is a Cristo Rey St. Martin Alum from the class of 2020. After graduating from CRSM, Ada accepted a full-tuition scholarship to Hope College...

Teacher Feature: Pati Ferrer

Teacher Feature: Pati Ferrer

With a 93% teacher retention rate, Cristo Rey St. Martin ranks number one in all of the Cristo Rey Network for this metric. Many members of our faculty and staff have remained throughout the changes in buildings, branding, leadership, and many other elements in the...

Alumni Spotlights

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Girl Undaunted: An Interview with Laura Pizano

Girl Undaunted: An Interview with Laura Pizano

Laura (CRSM ’13, MSOE ‘21) and I first spoke while she was in the middle of her family’s move to a new residence and as she was starting her e-classes at Milwaukee School of Engineering. Like most students across the country, she is adjusting to the tectonic shifts...


Thank you for considering us! We are an affordable, safe, co-educational, Catholic high school committed to academic excellence for students of limited economic means in the greater Waukegan and North Chicago area.

In and out of the classroom, we are committed to students getting to and through college. For five consecutive years, CRSM has been named by the Wall Street Journal as one of “America’s Most Challenging High Schools.”

Work Study
We are preparing students for the future workforce while they work to cover educational costs. Our business partners span industries including financial services, engineering, architecture, law, education and nonprofit organizations.
Student Life

From soccer and volleyball to theater and volunteering to feed and clothe the homeless, we offer a variety of ways for students to get involved.

Our Business Partners