Adopt A Day

Help us sponsor 20 days for our 20th anniversary

What it is

As an Adopt a Day Sponsor you have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of deserving young men and women while celebrating an important day in your life or that of a loved one.

Unlike most college prep high schools, Cristo Rey St. Martin operates on a year-round basis, with a regular academic year, summer school sessions, Corporate Work Study training and campus ministry events and volunteering. While a portion of the cost to educate is covered through the students’ work study earnings and family tuition payments, we do have an operating deficit which runs about $5,000 a day. As an Adopt a Day Sponsor you would be covering that cost.

Questions? Contact the Director of Development, Candice Tonon at [email protected] 

We Invite You to Come Visit Us and Learn More

Click Here to download our 20th anniversary Adopt A Day brochure

Thank You To Our Adopt A Day Sponsors

  • October 12, 2024- The Nemmers Family- In Honor of Kathy Nemmers
  • October 15, 2024- The Glabowicz Family- In Honor of Adolph & Eleanor Glabowicz
  • November 2, 2024- Catherine Sazdanoff- In Honor of James Buzard
  • November 28, 2024- Madelyn & Sal Catanese- In Honor of William J. Pavin
  • April 12, 2025- Ed & Christine Webler- In Honor of Their 56th Wedding Anniversary
  • May 27, 2025- Mary Cole- In Honor of Mimi Cole
  • September 9, 2025- David Mark- In Honor of Chris Sperry and Ryan Stoll
  • December 14, 2025- Thomas Fox- In Memory of Mary Lehmann
  • An anonymous donor advised fund at The Chicago Community Foundation- In Honor of CRSM’s 20th Anniversary
  • 9 Out of 20 Days Adopted This Year! 45% 45%

How It Works

Choose a date that is important to you. It can be a birthday, anniversary or any day that is meaningful to you. We want to celebrate that day with you! Here are some of the ways:

  • Invitation to the Friday morning assembly closest to your day; share your story and the significance of this date for you
  • Come for breakfast or lunch with a few of our students on the day you are sponsoring
  • Recognition on our website, newsletter and other marketing materials
  • Video recognition in school lobby on your sponsored date
  • Receive a certificate, suitable to give, honoring you or someone special and your date

Adopt a Day by filling out the payment form below, or by mailing a check to:

Adopt A Day Program
Development Office
Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep
3106 Belvidere Road
Waukegan, IL  60085

A representative from the Development Office will contact you to get the date you select and to finalize the recognition plans for that date.