Campus Ministry
Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep invites our students to grow in their faith journey with God. Through our Campus Ministry program, we listen to their needs and help them share their gifts with both their school and the world. As part of our Catholic identity, we respect and appreciate the unique gifts and various religious traditions that reflect the make-up of our students and staff.
Becoming people for others is a hallmark of the CRSM experience. CRSM does not have required service hours, yet 100% of students volunteer throughout their 4 years here.
Students can grow in their faith journey through:
RETREATS, where they:
- Participate in required grade-level retreats.
- Attend and help lead optional retreats.
- Build and celebrate community.
- Learn more about themselves and their growth through their high school years.
- Reflect and grow in their spiritual lives.
PRAYER, as they:
- Lead the daily prayer via the school intercom.
- Assist with Masses and prayer services.
- Join and help lead optional prayer vigils at the Broadview Detention Facility.
- Partake in optional after school and weekend volunteering.
- Have the option to travel to different parts of the Country through immersion trips.
- Give through our Christmas for Others and Lenten Campaign
- Take part in events led by Oportunidades Para Todos, our student-led Justice Immigration Group.
Join Us For An All School Liturgy
Mass of the Holy Spirit: September 8
Mass to Celebrate the Feast of All Saints: November 1
Mass to Celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe: December 11
The Feast of
St. Joseph the Worker: April 25
Campus Ministry Staff

Campus Ministry News
Students’ Trek to South Dakota Indian Reservation Sparks Reflection on Identity, Value and Legacy
During Spring Break, eight CRSM students traveled to South Dakota to visit Red Cloud High School, a Jesuit and Lakota high school on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The 1,000-mile bus trek marked the fifth journey our Waukegan high schoolers have made to form new...
Celebrating a Life Well-Lived: A Tribute to Long-standing CRSM Advisor Fr. John Milton, CSV
For more than 10 years, Fr. John Milton, CVS, generously shared his vast knowledge in physics and became a spiritual companion to the CRSM community. We mourn his passing on Jan. 24th, and celebrate the legacy he leaves, which will be carried on in our AP physics and...
In Celebrating MLK Day, Students Consider What It Means to be “Persons for Others”
Forming peace and brotherhood was the theme of this year’s annual celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. CRSM’s own Dean Edmonds, an ordained minister and pastor of Eternal Flame A.M.E. Church in North Chicago, directed the hour-long service...