Student Resources

Welcome Back Students!

Remember when entering your Workday Reports, please first select SCHEDULED WORKDAY and then choose your Workday Date from the dropdown menu.

If you hare having issues with your login credentials or have any additional questions, please reach out to your coordinator.


CWSP Staff

Tom Arens

CWSP Coordinator
Phone: 847-714-3343

Giselle Baca

CWSP Coordinator/Operations Lead
Phone: 224-637-9563

Celia Cambray-Hernandez

CWSP Coordinator
Work Study
Phone: 847-445-1673

Marcelino Hernandez

CWSP Transportation Coordinator
Phone: 847-344-7273

Mari-Lou Menezes

IVC Volunteer

Lori Oportobell

Associate Director of the Corporate Work Study Program
Phone: 847-477-2601

Keith Schoeneberger

IVC Volunteer

Sara Stanke

Director of Corporate Work Study Business Development
Phone: 224-565-3272

Brian Weinberg

Director, Corporate Work Study Program
Phone: 224-219-9724 ext. 254


Winning the COVID-19 Corporate Work Shuffle

Winning the COVID-19 Corporate Work Shuffle

It is no small feat, the business of keeping 400 student-workers on-the-job because many corporations are still working remotely and cannot have students come in for internships. But, through pivoting, innovating and firm resolve; 94% of students have been placed in...

Stepping It Up in the Workplace

Stepping It Up in the Workplace

Arlene, CRSM ’23, has been working with Discover Financial Services in Compliance Operations every Thursday this school year. But during CRSM’s two-week holiday break, Discover experienced what executives there described as an unusual and significant increase in work...